Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year

I am attempting to start a new habit this year. I am committing to walk at least 3 days a week at lunchtime. So, on Monday, I began walking this loop in our building and about 10 minutes in – I was bored and wanted to stop. I was not worn out or tired from walking … I was just bored.

Determined to not give up on the very first day - I began thinking about things. Grocery lists, to do lists and all the other things I needed to do started filling my head. So, now I’m bored and overwhelmed! This isn’t starting out well!

Then I thought … ooohh… Morgan got an Ipod for Christmas! I can tell her she can’t take it to school and then I can use it for my walks at lunch!! Then it occurred to me … why is it that we require constant stimulation? Why can’t we just clear our heads and be quiet. Even during my ‘quiet time’ in the morning – I’m reading, writing and praying.

There isn’t a minute during the day … or night … when I am truly still. The Bible says ‘be still and know that I am God’ yet, we’re constantly on the go. Maybe that’s why we don’t hear God as often as we should. Maybe that’s why I keep praying – but nothing seems to happen. Perhaps if I stopped and listened, I’d hear what God has to say.

I amended my commitment and invited God to join me on my lunchtime walks. Although my feet aren’t still, I try very hard to make sure that my mind and heart are. It’s hard! My mind wanders, people distract me, I keep checking the time … it’s definitely a work in progress. Perhaps by the end of the year, my lunchtime walks will improve much more than just my heart rate.