Friday, February 13, 2009

Morgan's debut

Morgan showed me her newest project the other day. She's started writing poetry. Yes, Morgan - who would much prefer science and math than writing - has become quite the little author.

I remember that I was about her age when I first started writing. Reading one of her first poems brought back a flood of memories from that time in my life. In many ways, we're a lot alike. We both try to save the world, are loyal to a fault to those we care about and always root for the underdog.

But her overall view of life is very different than mine was at this age - and her writings reflect that. Drugs ... fear ... abuse ... terrorism - these are things that never entered my thoughts. My biggest fear was not getting to play with my friends or striking out in Saturday's softball game. Death only happened to 'old people' and I was allowed to play outside around the neighborhood all day and be home at sundown. I don't have to tell you what today's contrasts are and the impact they have on how we raise our children - and how their perception of life.

When I was 12 years old, God was in Heaven. He created everything, was watching over us, and waiting for us - if we were good - to come be with Him when we got old and died. Jesus was his son, and was born and died on the cross to save us so that we could go to Heaven - if we followed all of his rules. I said my prayers at night "Now I lay me down to sleep..." because I loved God and I knew he liked it when we prayed. Fortunately, Morgan's perception of God - of true life - is just as different from mine as our fears. She talks to Jesus. She knows that God is in Heaven, but He is here with us every day, too. She may not completely understand it - but then, I'm not sure I always do, either.

Just as some of her poems tell of her fears and concerns, some of them tell of her faith. I can at least find comfort in the fact that if the world has to be so different for her than it was for me, her faith in God balances the equation. I imagine it would be a very scary place to have to deal with the world today without knowing that God is beside us.

Morgan just may be taking over my place one day - here is one of her first poems...


Sometimes we think
Sometimes we joke
Sometimes we sink
Sometimes we float
When you’re in the woods
And you’re all alone
You feel a little fear
In your tone
You think of the days
When you’re in a gaze
And then you think of
The Lord’s grace

Have a great week!


Michele (and Morgan)


~ Denise ~ said...

Sweet words from both of you! ;)

Unknown said...

Very nice! Keep writing Morgan!