Friday, March 6, 2009

It's not about the stuff!

It’s amazing what a blanket of snow can do! I am not a ‘winter’ person – I hate to be cold, despise scraping windshields and dream longingly of warmer days. So, I was quite surprised at my own excitement when my company’s name went across the bottom of the tv screen ‘CLOSED’ – and Morgan and I bundled up to go play in the snow – while it was still snowing!!

We had a great time throwing snowballs, sweeping the snow off my car and trying to build a snowman. Somehow, it didn’t seem so cold with snow on the ground! I’m not sure how it works, but 35 degrees and rain is much, much colder than 30 degrees and snow!

After we had sufficiently covered the entire yard in footprints, Morgan and I came in and curled up under a blanket on the couch. We started talking about ‘I remember when…’. I remembered sleigh riding when I was little. As dad and I were walking back up the hill from the last ride of the evening, I convinced him to let me pull the sled. Sneaky little me flipped it around and went flying back down the hill for one more ‘last time’. I don’t remember getting in trouble – but I remember having the best time that night! Morgan remembered the little snowfall that we had several years ago – I had given her some squirt bottles with water and food coloring in it to color in the snow. We had a great time that day, too.

It occurred to me, as we shared memories, that none of them involved ‘stuff’. None of those memories involved presents or toys or games. Each of the memories that we shared were simple – they were about time together, laughter and love. So why is it that we spend so much time buying and giving our kids – and spouse, friends, parents – expensive gifts? Even in today’s economy, we seem to be so conditioned to spend money on things that we forget that the best memories we have didn’t involve money at all!

I’ve never met someone, when remembering their life, say ‘I wish I had spent more money on…’ or ‘I wish I had worked more’. I have, however, heard ‘I wish I had spent more time with…’.

The snow is almost melted, but this weekend is supposed to be quite warm! Spend some time this weekend – a walk in the park, a picnic lunch, even a project you can do together. Live each day so that when you are looking back over your life, you will be able to smile at all the memories rather than regretting the missed opportunities.

Have a great weekend!


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