Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remembering September 11

Ten years – wow! Do you remember where you were 10 years ago? I sure do! I remember it like it was yesterday!

What I remember most, I think, was the sheer silence that followed. Although we aren’t that close to the airport, without the planes overhead, it was eerily silent. It was like everything stopped. Even to this day, I look up in the sky, and without a doubt I can find at least one airplane somewhere overhead – and I remember that there was one day where there weren’t any.

People were quiet, too. No one knew what to say – what to do. Eyes were glued to the television – still not believing what was happening – still not wanting to believe it was intentional. There were no words to describe what happened on September 11, 2001.

I also remember that everyone pulled together – regardless of who they were, how much they made, what color, religion or shoe size – we were truly United that day. And not just the United States – the entire WORLD (well, most of it) was grieving with us, reaching out to help – and to pray. I remember watching the newscasters – the ones that are always so professional and composed, break down in tears. No one walked away from September 11 untouched; unchanged.

What happened to that?? On that day, and the days that followed, churches were filled to capacity; people hit their knees and prayed – right where they stood; prayers filled the air. No one said ‘oh, no, you can’t talk about God!” Everyone was talking, listening or at the very least, thinking about God. Even the reporters were saying the ‘P’ word – calling for prayers! No one said, ‘oh, wait, let me go get my suit and tie on to go to church’. It just didn’t matter. There were people in suits and dresses digging in the rubble, and there were people in dirty jeans and torn shirts sitting in the pews of the nicest cathedrals. What happened to that?? Why is it that we can all pull together and act like Jesus only when we’ve got the world falling down around us! Why is it that it takes such a tragedy to bring us all together – and to bring us back to God. And the big question -why is it that in less than ten years – ten short years – we sit here fighting and fussing and ‘that’s not my job’ and ‘I can’t do that’. Did we learn nothing?

I’m not very political, and even if I were, I’d know enough to keep my mouth shut. I don’t know whether the war was a good idea or a bad idea; I don’t know whether the troops should stay or come home; I don’t know if Giuliani did the right thing or if Bush did the right thing. What I do know is that there are so many lives that were changed that day. So many families that lost loved ones. Babies that will grow up without a parent. The fear and anguish of those who just didn’t know whether their loved ones were alive or not. The emptiness of those who still don’t ‘know’ – still don’t have a body to bury. I also know that there are tons of men and women making tremendous sacrifices to protect our country and to fight for our freedom. Many paying the ultimate sacrifice. Again, I’m not saying whether they should be fighting this battle or not – all I know is that they are. They are sacrificing, they are fighting, and they are doing it for what they believe in – our country and our freedom – right, wrong or indifferent – they are there, and they are living it. And as long as they are, it is my responsibility ... our responsibility ... to support them, love them and pray for them in their efforts regardless of politics.

Take time today to remember … to honor … and to pray for all of the victims of 9/11. Honor those that lost their lives that day. Honor those who ran into a falling building for the sake of someone else – whether they themselves made it out or not. Praise God for those who made it out alive and were able to go home to their families. Pray for the families who still grieve over the senseless loss of their loved ones. Pray for the babies that were born who will never know their fathers – they’re 10 years old now! And pray for their mothers as they raise them alone, and pray for wisdom so that they can answer the hard questions that their children are getting old enough to ask.

Pray for the soldiers who are fighting to protect us from another attack -- and for their families that miss them. Pray for the families of those who have died in service to our country. Pray for our government, that wise decisions will be made; that the path will be one that is lit by God's light. And pray for us ... that we will never, ever forget...

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