Friday, January 9, 2009


I was asked a question recently – one of those questions that you have to think of the first thing that pops into your head. So, before you read my answer – think of the first thing that pops into your head with this question: What is the greatest thing in the world?.....

….. ‘Sunsets’ was the first thing I thought of.

Maybe it was because Dad was telling me about sitting around a campfire watching the sun drop down behind the water, commenting on the beauty that only God can create. Maybe because yesterday, at Opal Campbell’s funeral, the sun popped from behind the clouds and kissed our cheeks at a most appropriate moment. It was almost as if she delivered the same warmth that she had shared all of her life. After days of dreariness, the sunshine was a much welcomed sight, and many of us drank in its warmth – despite the chill of the wind.

We dream all winter about the summer sun, romantic sunsets, beautifully cast shadows, the sun peeking from behind the clouds, almost asking if it’s ok to come out. When we have a bad day at work, we often sit at our desk and dream about sitting on the beach, watching the sun go down, drinking a margarita! The sun is a very important part of our lives, even outside the obvious reasons – light, heat and such.

I wonder what would happen if we gave as much appreciation and thought to the SON as we do to the sun. I wonder what the world would be like if, instead of beaches and mixed drinks, we were dreaming of sitting by the feet of Jesus, watching the SON and drinking from the cup that only He can provide. I wonder what it would look like if all of those who lay on the beach taking in the summer sun, were kneeling in the sanctuaries taking in the SON? I know how crowded the beaches can be – it would be amazing to see the pews overflowing!

The sun casts a light that helps us see the way of the earth and all its glory. Jesus casts a light that helps us see the way of Heaven – and all its glory. Which one is brighter?? Which one do you give more attention to??


BizzieLizzie said...

What a fantastic post!! I'm so glad sweet Lisa told you about my place and you stopped by!! AND, you're local!! Absolutely - when you are ready for that wallet - you just let me know!! I look forward to reading your updates. The couch story was GREAT!! =0) Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed reading the Rambling you write every week even more since.Your Dad and I are on the road.It makes me feel closer to home and to God.really it's almost or should i say a learning or thanking session so I want to thank you for all you do in writing this. Please don't stop It's GREAT Debbie