Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Ten Dollar Difference

I was reading a passage in a book called “Experiencing God” this morning. It cautioned us against just ‘doing something’ for God. ‘I think God would like this ministry to be here’ – and then trying to put it in place without asking Him first. The passage said to look around you … see where God is working, and then join Him.

I was tossing this idea around in my head as I was driving to work – trying to see where God was working around me. I thought of the Newcomb’s – giving up everything they have to go to Thailand – because God is working there. I thought about Pavas and the folks that are helping them find hope in a hopeless community – because God is working there. I thought about things like St. Jude’s Research Hospital, Christian Children’s Fund and Feed the Children. Surely God is working there.

As my mind wandered, I thought that if I won the lottery, I would renovate an old hotel so that people who have lost their jobs and homes could have a place to stay until they got back on their feet. I’d build a youth center so kids would have a positive place to go rather than get in trouble on the street.

Then God brought me back to reality. By this time, I was standing in line at Food Lion. There was an elderly man counting out dollar bills for his purchase. He didn’t have enough and was pulling things out of his bag so he could pay for what he had. I didn’t catch all of that – because I was daydreaming about what wonderful things I could do with a few million dollars. What caught my attention was the lady in front of me. She told the cashier not to take the items out of the bag and handed her $10 so that the man could keep the items he needed. That is where God was working this morning. He was working in a woman – who didn’t look like she had much to spare – but was willing to reach out to someone who was in need.

It doesn’t take millions of dollars to change the world. It just takes a minute – and $10. (It only takes $3 to have a roof in Pavas). Now, there were at least 5 people who saw God working in this woman. If we all make a $10 difference in someone’s life, imagine the difference down the road.

God calls us all to serve Him. He calls every single one of us to make a difference for His Kingdom. Some of us are called to other countries. Some are called into ministry. Some of us are called to make differences in the lives of the people we come across - $10 at a time.

Look around you ... see where God is working ... join Him!

1 comment:

~ Denise ~ said...

What an insightful post. Now, maybe I should look around me to see where God is working. ;)