Friday, July 31, 2009

How NOT to spill God's coffee

I was sitting on my couch this morning, cup of coffee in hand, reading a book about how to have a better relationship with God. All of a sudden … out of nowhere … Filly Puppy jumped on the couch and spilled my coffee! Despite my feeble attempts to teach him not to jump on the furniture and despite the hot coffee on his nose, he was a happy puppy wanting some love and attention.

I wonder how many times we jump on God’s couch and make Him spill His coffee? We tend to go about our day, settled in a routine. We are fairly (or in some cases, very) independent and are fully capable of making it through the day. Then all of a sudden something happens. A death … an accident … a break-up … and we jump on God’s couch. “Hey, God … I need you. Please help me through this crisis.”

That’s not what God wants from us. He would much rather we sit down with Him on a daily basis and have a cup of coffee with Him. He wants us to chat about our day, ask His advice, praise the many blessings He has given us. He wants to have a relationship with us – not just come to him when we need something.

Now, just as I couldn’t be but so mad at Filly Puppy for wanting some love, God is there for us and answers our prayers. He will not abandon us. But imagine if we had been meeting with God every day and building that relationship. Imagine if we’d been talking with God … and listening to God on a regular basis. Perhaps He may have already given us the strength, the faith, the answer to our crisis. Perhaps we wouldn’t need to jump on His couch and spill His coffee.

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